Ranchi:The Jharkhand Police’s Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has intensified its crackdown on officials involved in a corruption case. In its latest operation, ACB teams raided multiple properties of Rajesh Kumar, a revenue staffer from Namkum Circle, on Wednesday, officials said.
The raids, which began at 6 a.m., are being conducted at Kumar’s residences in Ranchi, Gumla, and Aurangabad in Bihar, including his apartment on Tagore Hill Road in Ranchi, they added. It is learnt that the investigation stems from Kumar’s alleged connection to corruption involving Sadar Circle Officer (CO) Munshi Ram, who was recently caught red-handed accepting a bribe.
Ties to Munshi Ram’s Case
The ACB’s decision followed disclosures made during the investigation into Munshi Ram, who was arrested on January 3 while accepting a Rs 37,000 bribe for surveying a land parcel. Ram, who worked as the Sadar CO, allegedly demanded bribe from a local citizen, prompting him to file a complaint with the ACB, official sources said. Following the complaint, ACB officials raided Munshi Ram’s office in Ranchi, apprehending him red-handed, they added.