Jammu:The Jammu and Kashmir police have announced a cash reward of Rs 5 lakh for information on terrorists involved in the recent attacks in the upper reaches of Doda, officials said on Saturday.
Doda Police have released sketches of three suspected terrorists involved in the attack and are seeking information regarding them. A police official said a reward of Rs 5 lakh will be provided per suspect and the identity of the informer will be kept secret.
"J&K Police (District Doda) appeals the general public to provide information about the presence /movement of these terrorists on the following contact No(s). Identity of informer will be kept secret. SSP DODA (954190420), SP HQRS DODA (9797649362, 9541904202) SP OPS DODA (954190420) DYSP DAR DODA (9541904205) DY. SP HQRS DODA (9541904207), SHO PS DODA (9419163516, 9541904211) SHO PS DESSA - (8082383906), IC PP BAGLA BHARAT (7051484314, 9541904249), and PCR DODA (01996233530, 7298923100, 9469365174, 9103317361)," a police official said.