Jammu: The Additional Director General of Police (ADGP) Jammu Zone, Anand Jain, on Friday reviewed the operational preparedness of the Kathua Police during his visit to the Special Operations Group (SOG) camps in the district. He was accompanied by Inspector General (IG) CRPF Jammu Sector R. Gopala Krishna Rao and Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Kathua Shobhit Saxena.
The top officers visited SOG camps in the Bani-Machedi axis, including those at Lowang and Duggaini, to assess infrastructure, equipment, and training facilities, police said. They also evaluated security arrangements, counterinsurgency strategies, and preparedness for emerging challenges in the border district, they said.
While interacting with the SOG personnel, ADGP Jain emphasised the importance of continuous skill enhancement to meet evolving security demands. He instructed the teams to stay vigilant and adopt proactive measures to counter crime and terrorism. “Continuous training and inter-agency collaboration are vital to effectively addressing emerging security threats in the region,” he stated.