Srinagar: The Jammu and Kashmir Police raided a house in Srinagar in the ongoing investigations into the spreading of ‘false and malicious narratives’ aimed at inciting unlawful and violent activities on social media, an official spokesperson said here on Friday.
He said that Srinagar Police carried out searches at the residence of Abdul Hamid Parray, son of Ghulam Mohammad Parray, a resident of Srinagar’s Budshah Nagar in the Natipora area, after obtaining a search warrant from the NIA court.
“Incriminating materials and electronic devices were seized. Further searches are planned at the residences of other identified suspects linked to this malicious propaganda,” he added.
The police, according to the official, have identified more suspects in the ongoing investigation and are planning further raids in the coming days.
The investigation is focused on the individuals who, at the behest of adversaries and in a criminal conspiracy, have been involved in manufacturing and disseminating twisted and false information, the police said.