Kolkata:Interim vice-chancellor of Calcutta University, Shanta Dutta walked out through the back gate of the university on Friday midnight after being gheraoed by the ruling Trinamul Congress's students' wing, TMC Chhatra Parishad (TMCP) for over nine hours.
The student body accused Dutta of chairing a meeting of the university's highest decision-making body, the syndicate, even after the completion of her term. The gherao that began at 3 PM on Friday, August 2, came to an end around midnight, TMCP spokesperson Abhirup Chakraborty confirmed.
"Since our semester exams will begin a day later, and considering Dutta's age and health issues, we did not continue the gherao indefinitely. However, students will never allow the authority to convene a syndicate meeting with Dutta at the helm. We term this as illegal," he said.
Speaking about the reason behind this action, Chakraborty blamed Dutta for discharging administrative responsibilities even though her six-month term had ended.
As per sources, right after the meeting commenced, the student council members locked the VC's room all of a sudden keeping the Darbhanga building locked. "Her term was for six months, and she was holding onto the post in an unauthorised manner, discharging administrative responsibilities," Chakraborty added.