Churu: A havildar of the Indian army died in a road accident in the Delhi Cantonment area in the Churu district of Rajasthan on Friday. Jaipal Yadav, 40, a resident of Sirsala village, who was going on duty met with the accident. On Sunday, his body was brought to his native village, where he was cremated with military honours. His one-year-old son was guided by elders during the cremation.
Army Havildar Dies In Road Accident In Rajasthan's Churu While Going on Duty
The one-year-old son of Jaipal Yadav, 40, was guided by elders during the cremation.
Published : Dec 23, 2024, 9:36 AM IST
Earlier, his body was brought to Dudhwa Khara by an army ambulance, from where the villagers took out a Tiranga Yatra to Sirsala village. The village was immersed in grief when the body reached the village. The public representatives paid tribute to Havildar Jaipal Yadav by offering flowers. Churu MP Rahul Kaswan, MLA Harlal Saharan, Pradhan Deepchand Rahhad, ASP Lokendra Dadarwal, Upazila Pramukh Mahendra Nyoul, former Sabhapati Vijay Sharma, Dudhwa Khara Thanadhikari Ratanlal and a large number of villagers were present.
Family members said that Jaipal had joined the army on December 3, 2002. He got married in 2004. The birthday of his one-year-old son, whose birthday falls after three days.