Kanker (Chhattisgarh):Ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's rally in Bastar Lok Sabha constituency, an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) was detected in the forests of Gattakal in Koylibeda area of the Kanker district. Security forces defused it and the entire area has been searched.
Acting on information of an IED being planted near Gatakal village of Koyalibera, troops of 30 battalion BSF and an anti-bomb squad cordoned off the area and a thorough search operation was launched. During which, an IED was recovered from the spot. The anti-bomb squad was pressed into service immediately and the IED was successfully defused on the spot.
IK Elisela, SP Kanker said, "An IED detected in the area was subsequently defused. The entire team of soldiers is safe. The search operations are still underway in the area."