Hyderabad: Days after the bodies of a couple were found in a quarry at an under-construction site at Puppalaguda, the Hyderabad Police revealed that an extramarital affair was behind the killings. According to Hyderabad Police, the victims, Ankit Saket (25) and Bindu Diwakar were reported missing days before their bodies were discovered near the Ananthapadmanabhaswamy mounds on January 14.
Police said that Bindu, originally from Madhya Pradesh, was married to Sonu Diwakar, a resident of Chhattisgarh. While her husband worked in Chhattisgarh, Bindu had relocated to Hyderabad with their three children. Police revealed that it was during her stay in the city that Bindu developed a relationship with Ankit Saket, a housekeeper from Chhattisgarh.
According to police, Diwakar filed a missing person report for Bindu on January 8, and three days later, Saket's brother also reported him missing. The bodies were discovered near Puppalaguda by locals on January 14. Saket's body had multiple stab wounds and severe injuries from a granite stone, while Bindu's body showed head injuries, likely caused by a stone.