Shimla: Income of the Himachal Road Transport Corporation (HRTC) has increased by Rs 63.47 crore in the first eight months of this year, said Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu on Tuesday. Presiding over the review meeting of the HRTC, he said that the state government is releasing approximately Rs 60 crore grant per month to the HRTC and during the last two years, salaries and pensions are being paid in time to the employees and pensioners.
He said the HRTC is the lifeline of the state due to limited transportation means and every day about 5 lakh commuters travel through HTRC buses, a statement issued here said. The chief minister said that the state government is transforming HRTC into 'Green HRTC' to make Himachal Pradesh Green Energy State of the country by March 31, 2026.