Chennai: Tamil Nadu BJP president K Annamalai on Wednesday demanded Rs one crore from a senior DMK leader for "spreading slanderous, false propaganda" against him vis-a-vis the Kallakurichi hooch tragedy, that has left nearly 60 persons dead, and said the money will be used to construct a de-addiction centre in the affected locality in the northern district.
A legal notice to DMK Organisation Secretary RS Bharathi was sent by Annamalai's advocate RC Paul Kanagaraj and the BJP leader shared a copy of it on his 'X' handle.
"Here's the copy of the defamation notice sent today to the Organisation Secretary of DMK, Thiru RS Bharathi, for spreading slanderous, false propaganda aimed at me to divert the attention from the misgovernance of the DMK, which led to the death of over 60 people in Kallakurichi."