New Delhi:Actor Kangana Ranaut, who was named as one of 111 candidates for the Lok Sabha polls by the BJP on Sunday, said she is elated to officially join the political party and is looking forward to being a reliable public servant. The news of Ranaut taking the political plunge comes months after she hinted at entering electoral politics when she offered prayers at Gujarat's Dwarkadhish temple in November 2023.
In its fifth list of candidates for Lok Sabha polls 2024, the Bharatiya Janata Party said the four-time National Award winner will contest on a ticket for the party from Himachal Pradesh's Mandi constituency, her birthplace. In an Instagram post, Ranaut -- who has been a vocal supporter of the ruling party and Prime Minister Narendra Modi -- said she is honoured to join the BJP.
"My beloved Bharat and Bhartiya Janta's own party Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) have always had my unconditional support, today the national leadership of BJP has announced me as their Lok Sabha candidate from my birthplace Himachal Pradesh, Mandi (constituency). I abide by the high command's decision on contesting Lok Sabha polls. I feel honoured and elated to officially join the party. I look forward to being a worthy 'karyakarta' and a reliable public servant. Thanks," the 37-year-old actor posted on X, shortly after the list was announced.