Sirohi: In a major success against Hawala money rackets, Rajasthan Police on Thursday seized a huge cash haul worth around Rs 5 crore from a car in Sirohi district, officials said. Police have detained two youths in connection with the Hawala case.
Reico police station officer Sitaram said that on the instructions of SP Anil Kumar Beniwal, a checkpoint was established at Maval Chowki located on the Rajasthan-Gujarat border on Thursday. The station officer said that during routine checking, a suspicious car with two youths and the driver on board was stopped at around 3 pm. During interrogation, the car was thoroughly searched during which a box hidden meticulously under the driver's seat and the seat next to it was recovered. On opening it, the box was found filled with bundles of Rs 500 notes. The car was seized and both the youths were taken into custody. The counting of money is going on. The amount is likely to be around 4-5 crores.