Chandigarh: Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini kept key departments, including home and finance, while Anil Vij got energy and transport as portfolios were allocated to the Council of Ministers on Sunday, three days after the swearing-in of a new government in the state.
Saini will handle 12 portfolios. Besides home and finance, he is also in charge of planning, excise and taxation, town and country planning and urban estates, information, public relations, language and culture, criminal investigation, law and legislative, and housing for all departments.
Vij, who held the home portfolio when Manohar Lal Khattar was the chief minister, has now also been given the charge of the labour department, in addition to energy and transport.
The health department, which Vij handled during the Khattar government, has now been allotted to Arti Singh Rao, who will also take care of the medical education and research and Ayush departments, said a government order issued late in the night here.
Saini (54) took oath as the chief minister of Haryana at a grand ceremony in Panchkula on Thursday that was attended by a galaxy of NDA leaders, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and thousands of people from across the state. Apart from him, 13 MLAs, including two women, took oath.