Lucknow:Fraudsters posing to be officials of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) digitally arrested a doctor from Postgraduate Institute (PGI) Lucknow for six days and extorted a whopping Rs 2.8 crore from her. Once freed, Dr Ruchika Tandon filed a written complaint at the Cyber Police Station in Lucknow and initiated a probe.
The police registered a case based on the doctor's complaint and seized the accounts of the accused. However, by the time this action was taken, the fraudsters already transferred the paid amount to another account. Tandon told the police that fraudsters had called her personal number almost a week ago and duped her of a huge amount.
"The person on the call said that 22 complaints were registered against my SIM card and that he was blocking the number. Then they transferred the call to someone posing to be a CBI officer who digitally arrested me. He threatened that my name would come up in the money laundering case of Jet Airways owner, Naresh Goyal," Tandon said.