Bareilly:In a heartbreaking incident, a four-year-old girl was allegedly killed by her aunt and a "tantrik" as part of a “black magic” ritual in Shikarpur Chaudhary village here, police said on Sunday.
A case has been registered against the duo, and both of them have been arrested, they said.
The girl, Misty, went missing on Saturday while playing outside her home, and after hours of searching, she couldn't be traced. The family then approached the Izzat Nagar Police Station, where a police team led by Inspector Dhananjay Pandey started a search operation.
After hours of search, police found Misty's body in a sack at her aunt Savitri's house, which is located just some meters away from the victim's residence. Following the discovery, police took Savitri (45) into custody, and during interrogation, she revealed the name of the accused, ‘tantrik’, who has also been arrested.
According to Misty's family, the girl would often visit her aunt's house to play, and they were devastated to know that she killed Misty and hid her body.