Surat:Four workers were killed and another one was injured in a fire at a steel plant in Hazira industrial area in Gujarat's Surat on Tuesday evening, officials said. The incident occurred at ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India's (AM/NS India's), Surat Commissioner of Police Anupam Singh Gehlot said.
"We have learnt that the fire spread in one section of the plant after burning coal suddenly spilt over. The resultant blaze killed four labourers, who were on a lift at that time in the plant," he said. Further probe into the incident will be carried out by the police as well as the factory inspector, he said.
An official of the Hazira police station said no accidental death report has been filed so far. Of the four persons who lost their lives, the bodies of three victims have been brought to the civil hospital for post-mortem, an official said. In a statement, a spokesperson of the company said the incident took place at the Corex plant due to equipment failure.