Thrissur:In a tragic incident, four members of a family drowned in the Bharathapuzha river at Cheruthuruthy here on Thursday evening. The victims have been identified as Kabeer (47), his wife Shahina (35), their daughter Sera Fathima (10), and Shahina's nephew Fuvad Sanin (12), all hailing from Cheruthuruthy, police said.
The tragedy occurred around 5.30 pm when the two children, playing near the riverbank, accidentally fell into the water. Upon noticing this, Kabeer and Shahina rushed to rescue them but were caught in the strong undercurrent, quoting the eyewitness police.
Residents, police, and fire and rescue teams immediately launched a search operation. Shahina was pulled from the water and rushed to a nearby private hospital, but her life could not be saved, according to residents.
Rescue teams later recovered the bodies of Kabeer and Fuvad. The search for Sera concluded around 8.15 pm when her body was retrieved. Thrissur City Police Commissioner Ilango R and other senior officers reached the spot to oversee the rescue efforts, police added.
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