Dausa:Rinkesh Meena and three of his family members, who climbed atop a water tank in Bhalpur village under the Mehndipur Balaji police station area of the district on Wednesday evening with certain demands on their land from the police and even threatened to immolate themselves, if these were not met, have finally come down after 20 hours on Thursday. It took a bunch of police officers' ceaseless pursuals for the family to be pacified.
DSP Deepak Meena was present on the spot to resolve the land dispute. The administrative officials have spoken to Rinkesh and agreed to all his legitimate demands. Despite this, they were not ready to come down. Rinkesh was heard shouting, "I want Mahuva MLA on the spot. He will get justice".
Balaji police station in-charge Gaurav Pradhan said on Wednesday night the other party was also called to the spot and counselled to get down from the tank top. In which an agreement was reached between both parties, but even after that, the young man and the woman did not come down with their child.