Chennai:Tamil Nadu minister TM Anbarasan received an FIR for allegedly making threats at a public rally against the life of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Following the incident, Delhi Police registered the case under five sections ((153, 268, 503, 505, and 506) of the Indian Penal Code.
T. M. Anbarasan holds the ministry for Rural Industries, Cottage Industries, Small Industries, and Slum clearance board positions under the Tamil Nadu government. He is also a district DMK secretary of Kancheepuram, having been elected to the Tamil Nadu assembly three consecutive times.
Meanwhile, Anbarasan made the threatening remark of cutting the Prime Minister into pieces while reacting to Modi’s statement that the DMK would be eradicated. "The threatening statement made by Anbarasan is not only alarming and poses a significant risk to the safety and security of our Prime Minister but is also shameful and has been deliberately made to stir the peace and stability of our nation and evoke violence," the complainant said.