Bhubaneswar: Bhubaneswar police rescued a four-year-old girl who was allegedly sold for Rs 40,000 by her parents, natives of Bihar. The rescue, conducted within 24 hours of the sale, was made possible by the vigilance of the child’s landlord who reported suspicious activity to the Badagada police. Six people, including the parents, brokers, and the couple who purchased the child, have been detained.
According to police, the child’s parents, Subodh Sharma and his wife, were living in a rented house in Badatangi Sahi under the Badagada Police Station area. While the father worked as a carpenter, the mother had remarried. The child reportedly was her child from the first husband, which was causing family disputes.
The landlord, Sarthak Mohanty, observed unusual movements in his house and reviewed CCTV footage, which raised his suspicions. He heard the conversations and then lodged a complaint with Badagada police.
In this regard, on the information of Badagada Police Station Inspector Trupti Ranjan Nayak, a Case 748/24 has been registered on the basis of a complaint of human trafficking. Six people have been detained under BNS 143(4) . Among those detained include the couple from Bihar Subodh Sharma and his wife, the two lady brokers, Rashmi Rekha Sahu and Jali Lenka, a beauty parlour employee and the couple from Pipili Raghunath and Priyadarshini Behera.