Raipur:A yet another case of cyber crime has surfaced in Chhattisgarh where a fake Facebook account has been created in the name of Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai. Also, friend requests and messages have been sent from this fake account to people including officials. A case has been registered under the IT Act in this connection.
As soon as the cyber cell team got information about the fake social media account in CM's name, it launched an investigation. After lodging a case, Raipur Police are probing as to where the fake ID was created and who is running the account. However, preliminary investigations have failed to trace the accused. It has been learnt that the CM has asked police to be vigilant.
"The social media monitoring cell found a Facebook account being operated in the name of the Chief Minister through a fake ID. After which, a case was registered against unknown persons under Section 66C of the IT Act and further action is underway. The police have not yet been able to find out who created the Facebook profile in the name of the Chief Minister through the fake ID," Sandeep Mittal, Additional SP (Crime) said.