Bengaluru:In a breakthrough, the Bengaluru Police arrested 13 persons, who were allegedly running a fake bail racket, forging documents to provide sureties for accused individuals seeking bail. The arrests were made by the Halasuru Gate Police as part of an investigation into a growing "bail mafia" operating in the city.
Accused and Seized Items
The arrested individuals include Manjunath, Anand, Indresh, Doddayya, Chandrashekhar, Santosh Kumar, Dada Hayath Khalandar, Swaroop, Manoj, Anand Kumar, Kempegowda, and Vinayak. The police seized forged documents and materials from the suspects, including 139 Aadhaar cards with fake names and numbers, 43 ration cards,
16 PAN cards, 35 fake property documents and 13 mobile phones used in the operation.
How the Racket Worked
According to the police, the gang targeted genuine property owners by accessing their details from government websites, such as the Bhoomi portal. They used the information, such as survey numbers and property addresses, to forge documents. Fake Aadhaar cards were created by inserting the photos of the accused while retaining the actual property owners’ details. These documents were then submitted to courts as proof of surety.
The operation came to light when the police received credible information about forged documents being used to provide bail sureties at the Magistrate Court on Nrupathunga Road. During the raid, officers detained the suspects and uncovered the scam.
A Long-Running Operation
Investigations revealed that the racket had been operational for several years. The suspects reportedly provided fake sureties for over 40 accused. For each forged bail surety, the gang charged Rs 5,000, exploiting the legal requirement for surety submissions during bail proceedings.
Police Statement
“This is a systematic racket that exploited loopholes in the legal system. The suspects have been actively involved in forgery and fraud, misleading courts with fake documents. Such cases severely disrupt the judicial process,” said a police officer.