Mainpuri: In a shocking incident reported from Uttar Pradesh, a couple allegedly died by suicide after facing stiff resistance to their relationship from the family members in Mainpuri district of the state, police said on Friday.
The incident has come to light at Trilokpur village under Kishni police station limits in Mainpuri. An official said that the bodies of the couple were found hanging by the passersby from a tree on the outskirts of the village. The couple has been identified as 20-year-old son Ankit, son of Charan Singh Yadav and 18-year-old daughter Nidhi, daughter of Inderpal Yadav. Nidhi was studying in class 12th while Ankit used to work as a laborer. The deceased are said to be consanguineous who were in a relationship with each other, but faced stiff opposition from the family members. It is believed that after facing a deadlock in their relationship, the couple decided to end their lives by suicide.