Shivpuri (Madhya Pradesh): In a shocking and brutal incident in the Shivpuri district on Friday, members of a family allegedly beat up a woman with shoes and slippers on the suspicion of witchcraft, paraded her naked across the village and filled her mouth with human faeces, police sources said.
She later lodged a case at the Superintendent Office, Shivpuri, along with her husband. Superintendent of Police (SP), Shivpuri Office, Raghuvansh Singh Bhadoria, said, "The victim alleged that on February 16, at 10 am, when she was returning home, a neighbour's family stopped her and accused the woman of witchcraft."
When she refused such claims, everyone allegedly started kicking and punching her and even tore her clothes, police sources said. Then they dragged her across the village and put excreta inside her mouth, the SP added.