Vellore: The officials of the Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Friday raided the residence of Tamil Nadu Water Resources Minister and DMK General Secretary Durai Murugan in Gandhi Nagar, Katpadi, reportedly in connection with a 'cash for votes' case and alleged money laundering case linked to violations of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) guidelines and misappropriation by bank officials during the demonetisation period.
The raid commenced at 7 AM today, but sources said ED officials were initially unable to gain access as no one was present in the house. While a few officials waited outside the premises of Murugan's residence, simultaneously, another team conducted searches at the residence of DMK leader Pooncholai Srinivasan in Pallikuppam. ED was accompanied by armed personnel of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) to secure the premises during the raid.
DMK Leaders' Alleged Financial Irregularities
Durai Murugan and his son, Kathir Anand, who is a sitting Lok Sabha MP, reside in the same house. During the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, the Income Tax (IT) department had raided Durai Murugan’s residence and seized Rs 10 lakh unaccounted cash. Subsequently, raids were conducted on property linked to his close associates, including Pooncholai Srinivasan’s cement warehouses, which led to the recovery of more unaccounted cash. The seized assets included Rs 11.51 crore from six locations, with bundles of new Rs 200 currency notes among the confiscated money. This operation led to broader investigations into financial misconduct.
During the course of the investigation, it was found that there has been cash transaction allegedly involving a nationalized bank branch in Katpadi, to influence voters during the 2019 polls. Following this, cases were registered against Kathir Anand, Pooncholai Srinivasan, and others at the Katpadi police station.