New Delhi/Ranchi:The Enforcement Directorate on Saturday said it has made three more arrests in connection with an alleged land grab linked money laundering case in which it had arrested former Jharkhand chief minister Hemant Soren and some others. Sanjeet Kumar, Md. Irshad and Tapas Ghosh were taken into custody on May 9 under the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), according to the ED.
"These persons have been arrested for their role in forgery, tampering and fabrication of land records, thus changing the nature of lands which are designated as non-saleable under Chota Nagpur Tenancy Act (CNT Act), a legislation with objective to protect the land rights of tribal and marginalised communities," the federal agency said in a statement. Kumar and Ghosh worked as contractual employees at the Registrar of Assurances, Kolkata, it said.
A total of 25 persons, including Soren, IAS officer and former Ranchi deputy commissioner Chhavi Ranjan, former revenue department sub-inspector Bhanu Pratap Prasad and others have been arrested by the ED as part of this investigation. Probe found that some of the lands acquired through "falsification and forgery" by the above stated accused persons are under "illegal" possession of Hemant Soren, the ED alleged.