Chennai:Days after allotting to Congress nine Lok Sabha seats in Tamil Nadu and the only segment in Puducherry, the DMK on Monday named the specific constituencies to be contested by the grand old party, a key ally. The DMK, which had allotted one constituency to Vaiko-led MDMK named Tiruchirappalli LS segment for it, a constituency currently represented by the Congress party's Su Thirunavukkarasar.
The Congress party will contest from Tiruvallur (Reserved), Cuddalore, Mayiladuthurai, Sivaganga, Tirunelveli, Krishnagiri, Karur, Virudhunagar and Kanniyakumari seats. Of these nine seats, Cuddalore, Mayiladuthurai and Tirunelveli are currently held by the DMK and other seats were won by Congress in 2019 as an ally of the Dravidian party.