New Delhi:In a surprising move, Devotional singer Kanhaiya Mittal on Sunday announced that he will join Congress to spread the Sanatana Dharma. “It is wrong that the BJP denied me the ticket from Panchkula and that is why I am joining Congress. I hold no grudges against the BJP. I believe that the Sanatana Dharma can be spread from every party and not only from one party,” Mittal said in a video message posted on X.
He added that had it been for the BJP's ticket, he would have talked to people and got the ticket from Panchkula. “I am friends with everyone. I have never asked anyone to vote for the BJP. I have always maintained to vote for the people who talk of Sanatana Dharma and Ram Mandir,” the singer said. He said that ‘tapasya’ (a spiritual discipline that involves deep meditation) can done in the Himalayas as well as on the roads and one does need a particular party to do ‘tapasya’.