New Delhi: A drizzle on Sunday night, coupled with strong winds and a mainly clear sky on Monday, December 9, brought much-needed respite to Delhi’s air quality, pushing it into the ‘moderate’ category.
By 6 am on Tuesday, December 10, the Air Quality Index (AQI) stood at 190, significantly improving from the ‘inferior’ reading of 302 recorded on Sunday. This marks the fourth ‘moderate’ AQI day for the city this month.
Hemant Kumar Sharma, a resident of Delhi, shared his frustrations with the persistent pollution and its effects on the weather. He said that the primary reason that it doesn’t feel cold today is the pollution.
“There is so much pollution in Delhi. I drove from Greater Noida to Connaught Place, and I had to keep the air conditioning on the whole time. The heat from the pollution makes it unbearable to step out or drive without it. When I visited Jaipur recently, it was cold there, but here in Delhi, I start sweating while driving,” he said.
Sharma expressed concerns about the increasing reliance on artificial solutions and their contribution to global warming. “People are moving away from natural living. Diesel vehicles are on the rise, and trees are disappearing. Every house now has air conditioners running, adding to the pollution. The impact is visible on the roads and in the weather,” he added.
The improvement in air quality was attributed to a combination of meteorological factors. According to the India Meteorological Department (IMD), a brief rainfall of 0.1 mm on Sunday night and winds from the north-northwest at speeds of up to 16 kmph helped disperse pollutants. On Sunday, wind speeds were comparatively lower at 8-10 kmph.