Bhopal: Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav on Sunday suspended two senior officials of Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve after a high-level team that probed the death of 10 elephants inside the park submitted its report. The report doesn't point to any pesticide or the role of “another side”, the CM said.
Action has been taken against reserve director Gaurav Choudhary and in-charge assistant conservator of forest (ACF) officer Fateh Singh Ninama for alleged lapses. The reserve has drawn national attention following the deaths of the elephants in about 72 hours.
“The high-level team has submitted its report. Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve director has been suspended for switching off his phone, not returning to work after a leave and other reasons. ACF Fateh Singh Ninama has also been suspended,” the CM told PTI here.
Both have been suspended for showing laxity in performing their duties, he added. Calling the jumbo deaths “very painful”, the CM said the government took the matter seriously and sent the forest minister and senior officials to the reserve for a probe.