Raipur: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday hit out at the Congress, claiming the grand old party is a synonym for scams, terrorism and Naxalism. Addressing an election rally in Chhhattisgarh's Kabirdham district, he said the wait of 500 years for Ram Lalla (installation of his idol) in Ayodhya ended because of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Kabirdham district comes under the Rajnandgaon Lok Sabha constituency. "Congress is a synonym for scams, terrorism and Naxalism. At the age when a tablet and a good book should be in the hands of youth and they should have the spirit to take the world ahead, the Congress handed over pistols in the hands of those youth. The Congress instigated them to fight against the country in the name of Naxalism and terrorism," Adityanath claimed.
Under the leadership of PM Modi, people have seen the country changing in the last 10 years, the senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader said. "Modi ji has said that this country has to be made a big power in the world. A developed India has to be made...to create a self-reliant India, where every citizen feels safe. Be it a daughter or a businessman, only the BJP can provide complete guarantee of security to all of them. Only the Bharatiya Janata Party can respect your faith," he said.