New Delhi: Amid bone-chilling winter, unexpected rain accompanied with thunderstorms lashed the national capital for the second day on Thursday. The heavy downpour that started on Wednesday morning has resulted in roads blockages and waterlogging, further increasing the difficulty for the people of the city, who already are facing the harsh winter.
According to the India Meteorological Department's prediction on Wednesday, the weather in Delhi is likely to remain the same on Thursday. "One patch is moving across Delhi and is currently giving light to moderate rainfall at a few places, accompanied by moderate to intense thunderstorms and lightning and gusty winds," said IMD. IMD further said that another patch was moving from Rohtak and Jhajjar towards Delhi.
"Another patch is moving from Rohtak and Jhajjar (Haryana) towards Delhi, this may give another spell of light to moderate rainfall at a few places accompanied by moderate to intense thunderstorms, lightning and gusty winds after 2-3 hours," IMD further added. Under the influence of two western disturbances, several parts of the national capital received light-intensity rainfall on Wednesday afternoon.
Areas including RK Puram, Safdarjung, INA market, Sarai Kale Khan, and Lodhi colony in Delhi witnessed heavy downpour on Wednesday. "As regards Western Himalayan Regions (Jammu, Kashmir, Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand) also getting rainfall/snowfall activity and likely to continue during the night and morning hours of today shown in recent satellite imagery," IMD said.