Kendrapara:In a shocking turn of events, a video of a young boy tied to the grill of Marshaghai English Medium School has gone viral, leading to widespread outrage and investigations by Odisha’s education Department authorities. The boy’s mother, who admitted to have punished the child, has become the center of a growing controversy about child safety and discipline.
According to reports, the incident occurred on November 22, when a student allegedly misbehaved during an examination by tearing his question paper. The mother, Rashmita Nayak, later claimed responsibility, saying she tied her son to discipline him as he had torn the question paper.
“I tied my son to the grill because he was being naughty. The school staff were not involved, and they even tried to stop me. But as his guardian, I decided to take this step,” she stated. Rashmita added that her son was unwell that day, which contributed to his behavior, and demanded accountability for the person who recorded and shared the video without her permission.
The school authorities distanced themselves from the incident. Vice Principal Virekha Mohanty dismissed the video as a gross misrepresentation, stating, “The mother herself tied the child. Neither the principal nor the staff were involved. It’s unfortunate that someone made this video viral without proper context.”
Mohanty revealed that the headmistress was on medical leave at the time, and she and the principal were visiting another student in Hatia village when the incident occurred.
Block Education Officer (BEO) Prafulla Swain visited the school and recorded statements from the staff and the student’s mother. “The mother admitted to tying her child to the grill for tearing his exam paper. However, such an act, whether by a parent or school staff, is unacceptable under any circumstances,” Swain stated.