Surguja (Chhattisgarh) : A BJP leader's pet goat named 'Sheru' was kidnapped from Lundra in Raghunathpur, slaughtered and sold to a mutton shop keeper at Durg for Rs 27,000 in Chhattisgarh. Two kidnappers, who came in a big luxury car and snatched the goat away, were arrested and their car has also been seized. The entire incident of goat kidnapping was captured in CCTV.
The accused had taken to Khursipara in Bhilai where they cut it and sold the mutton. During interrogation, the accused revealed their names as Amir Hussain and Raja. Both are residents of Khursipar. "The accused used to roam around and commit thefts. Accused Aamir Hussain is a habitual criminal. Earlier also his name has come up in the theft case in Gondia, Maharashtra. A case has been registered against both the accused under several sections," said Puplesh Kumar, ASP.
Also, Rs 1,100 cash has been seized from the possession of the accused. Both the accused have been sent on judicial remand. On February, the owner of the goat, Suresh Gupta, lodged a police complaint about the theft at Raghunathpur outpost. He alleged that on the morning of Thursday, the miscreants came in a car and left with his pet goat in their car. CCTV footage of the theft has also been submitted in the police station, seeking immediate arrest of the accused.