Rajnandgaon : The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has started its probe into the BJP leader Birju Taram murder case in Chhattisgarh. As part of this, the Mohla Manpur Ambagarh outpost police and Rajnandgaon police have handed over all the information in this case to NIA. SP YP Singh of Mohla Manpur Ambagarh Chowki district has confirmed this.
"NIA team is investigating into Birju Taram murder case. Police have handed over information related to the case to NIA. Now NIA is investigating this": YP Singh said.
BJP leader Birju Taram was murdered on 20 October last year during the Chhattisgarh assembly elections. Suspected Naxalites shot dead the BJP leader. After that, BJP leaders had lodged protest over the killing and had written a letter to the CM demanding an NIA investigation in this case. On which CM Vishnu Deo Sai had announced that the entire case would be investigated by NIA.