Sakti (Chhattisgarh): Police busted a fake branch claiming to be of the State Bank of India (SBI) here and booked its three operators, an official said on Sunday. The bogus branch was being run in Chhapora village under Malkharauda police station limits, Sakti Additional Superintendent of Police Rama Patel said.
Sakti Additional Superintendent of Police Rama Patel said that the fake branch was operating in Chhapora village, which is under the jurisdiction of Malkharauda police station. She added that the bogus banking operation was established in a rented store in a commercial complex on September 18, and it had several SBI banners and posters put up.
The branch caught the attention of many who thought that something fishy was underway following which a team from SBI's regional headquarters in Korba visited the branch and carried out an investigation, and found it to be fake.
She said that authorities raided the location on September 27 after receiving a tip from the public sector bank. It was discovered that there were five workers in the fake branch that was opera.