Bijapur: In yet another shocking incident here in Chhattisgarh, a BJP worker, identified as Kudiyam Mado, was killed by suspected Naxals. The victim was the Mandal President of the BJP Kisan Morcha in Bhairamgarh's Biriyabhumi. According to reports, Naxals dragged Mado out of his house on Tuesday night and killed him.
Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Chandra Kant Gavarna confirmed the incident, stating it occurred on December 10, 2024. “Police team from the Farsegad station reached the site, and the body has been sent for further legal proceedings,” he added.
Naxals, according to police sources, left behind pamphlets at the crime scene, accusing Mado of being a police informer. The notes were purportedly issued by the banned CPI (Maoist) National Park Area Committee, justifying the killing as retribution for alleged spying.