Haldwani (Uttarakhand): After a five-month investigation into the violent events that unfolded at the Banbhulpura police station area in Haldwani on February 8, the police have filed a chargesheet against all 107 accused. Abdul Malik is alleged to be the mastermind behind the incident. The charges were read out to the accused when they appeared before the court on Wednesday.
The violence erupted when authorities, accompanied by the Municipal Corporation, moved to demolish an illegal mosque and madrasa located at Malik Ka Bagh in Banbhulpura. This action triggered a chain of events including arson, stone-pelting, firing and burning of Banbhulpura police station.
At least five lives were lost during the chaos and substantial damage was inflicted upon both public and private property, necessitating the imposition of a curfew by the district administration.