Palamu (Jharkhand): The police launched an investigation into the case of a 16-year-old boy being allegedly held hostage for 14 days for non-payment of a loan in the Bhavnathpur area of Garhwa, Jharkhand. After learning about the incident, the microfinance company suspended the accused bank manager and is also conducting an internal probe into the incident.
The company has also written a letter to Jharkhand's DGP and Garhwa SP regarding the incident. The company says that this incident happened at the personal level of the bank manager. Meanwhile, the Child Welfare Committee also started a separate investigation into the entire matter. The police team is interrogating the accused bank manager.
In fact, in the Bhavanathpur area of Garhwa, the manager and other employees of a microfinance company had taken a child hostage for not repaying the loan. During this, the child was made to pick up empty utensils and liquor bottles. Based on a complaint, the police arrested the accused bank manager, while one of the accused is absconding.
Meanwhile, the Garhwa Police formed a special team while the responsibility of investigation has also been handed over to the Child Welfare Committee. Taking action in the entire matter, the company has suspended the accused bank manager with immediate effect and an internal inquiry has also been started against him.
"The company is registered with RBI, and whatever has happened it has occurred at the personal level of the bank manager, hence, the manager has been suspended, and an inquiry has been ordered," said Ashwini Kumar Parikh, member, of the Legal Team, Microfinance Company.