Srinagar (Jammu and Kashmir): The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), last week, jolted the political landscape of Ladakh by naming the chief executive councillor of the Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council (LAHDC) in Leh, Tashi Gyalson, as its candidate for the region's only Lok Sabha seat. The move sparked a wave of discontent from the sitting Member of Parliament (MP), Jamyang Tsering Namgyal, who expressed his disappointment and pledged to consult with his supporters before deciding on his next steps.
"I am taken aback by the party's decision," Namgyal stated, reflecting on the unexpected turn of events. "While I respect the party's prerogative, I am left questioning the rationale behind this move."
Emphasizing his track record of service, Namgyal recounted his efforts towards the development of the Union Territory (UT) and its people. "Every day, I dedicated myself to advancing the interests of Ladakh. From our success in the LAHDC Kargil elections to retaining the Leh hill development council, I believe I have played my part in upholding the BJP's influence in the region," he remarked.
However, the announcement of Tashi Gyalson as the BJP's candidate has left Namgyal and his supporters disheartened. "I sought clarification from senior party leaders regarding the decision-making process," Namgyal revealed. "There is a sense of bewilderment among my supporters as well, as they did not anticipate this outcome. Nonetheless, our commitment to the party's ideology remains unwavering."
Congratulating Gyalson on securing the party's endorsement, Namgyal expressed concerns about the ramifications of the decision. "While I extend my best wishes to Tashi Gyalson, it is evident that many party workers are dissatisfied. This raises questions about the BJP's prospects in retaining the seat," he cautioned.