Bhopal:Bharatiya Janata Party's Rajya Sabha member from Madhya Pradesh, Ajay Pratap Singh, on Saturday said he has resigned from the party's primary membership, saying he was not happy with the ruling outfit's process of selecting candidates for the upcoming Lok Sabha polls. Singh shared his resignation letter in a post on his official X account on Saturday morning.
BJP's Rajya Sabha MP Ajay Pratap Singh Quits Party; Says Unhappy With Selection of LS Poll Nominees
Ajay Pratap Singh, a member of the Rajya Sabha for the Bharatiya Janata Party from Madhya Pradesh said that he has resigned from the party's main membership.
Published : Mar 16, 2024, 10:41 PM IST
"I am resigning from the primary membership of the party," he stated in the one-line letter addressed to BJP chief J P Nadda. He didn't mention any reason behind his resignation in the letter. Singh was nominated to the Upper House of Parliament by the BJP in March 2018.
His tenure as Rajya Sabha member will end on April 2. He was not re-nominated by the party.
Talking to reporters, Singh expressed displeasure over the party's process of selecting candidates for the upcoming Lok Sabha polls. He said although he wanted to contest from the Sidhi Lok Sabha seat, the BJP fielded Rajesh Mishra from there.