Kolkata:Sandeshkhali keeps the poll pot boiling in West Bengal ahead of the fifth phase of the high-voltage Lok Sabha election which begins on Monday, May 20. Soon after a woman lodged a police complaint, alleging that she was abducted by three persons from outside her residence in West Bengal's Sandeshkhali in a fresh twist to the ongoing allegations of sexual abuse against TMC leaders, state BJP chief and Lok Sabha candidate from Balurghat, Sukanta Majumdar said that the state government turned a blind eye to the situation, which remains tense and dire.
He slammed the state police for their inaction and called for increased activity from the CBI, noting that brutality against women persists in Sandeshkhali. “The woman was abducted and her mouth was covered. Had she and her daughter not made noise, she too would have been raped... The situation is still very bad. The police are not doing anything and the CBI should become more active. Brutality against women still exists in Sandeshkhali”, said Sukanta Majumdar.
On Thursday, in her complaint with the Sandeshkhali Police Station, the woman claimed that she was pressured to tell courts that alleged atrocities on women in the area were 'false.' A complaint was lodged at 2.30 am on Thursday, and a case was filed. The investigation is underway.
She named three persons in the complaint. No arrests have been made so far, a senior police officer said.
In a purported video shared by BJP leader and lawyer Priyanka Tibrewal on social media, the woman was heard saying that she was gagged and dragged out of her house when she went outside after hearing the barking of dogs.
The woman also claimed that she was asked to tell the courts that the alleged incidents of atrocities on women in Sandeshkhali by local TMC leaders were "false". The authenticity of the video could not be verified by news agency PTI, which broke the story.