Bengaluru:BJP lashed out at former MLA Yathindra Siddaramaiah for making derogatory remarks against Union Home Minister Amit Shah. Opposition leader R Ashok said, "Rahul Gandhi was sentenced for his alleged remarks about PM Modi's surname. But, it seems the Congress leaders have not learnt any lesson from that case. It is in the DNA of Congress leaders to make objectionable statements. We will complain against Yathindra Siddaramaiah."
Addressing the party activists on Thursday in connection with the Lok Sabha elections in Hanur town of Chamarajanagar district, Yathindra Siddaramaiah alleged that many criminal cases have been registered against people in high posts in the BJP government. We have seen in these 10 years what will happen to the country if such people get power."
Speaking to the media in the city on Friday, Ashok said, "Yathindra Siddaramaiah's statement against Amit Shah is not right. Yathindra has no maturity and sense. He doesn't know what to say and makes childish statements because he is Siddaramaiah's son. We will file a complaint against Yathindra."