Narkatiaganj (Bihar): Police Wednesday arrested a person in Narkatiaganj carrying 10 kg of hash which he bought from Nepal. The accused was travelling to Delhi when he was arrested. The Shikarpur Police stopped Mohammad Sagir, a resident of Baragjwa, near the Hardiya Chowk Canal after finding his movements suspicious.
As per police sources, the value of the seized hash in the international market is being estimated at Rs 1 crore. Police arrested Sagir while patrolling near the canal when they noticed him behaving weirdly. When they started to observe him carefully, Sagir started running away from them.
The young man was carrying bag on his back. The police suspected foul play, chased and nabbed him. When he was caught, they searched his bag and recovered 22 packets carrying hash which weighed exactly around 10.164 kg.