Patna:Bihar Public Health Engineering (PHE) minister Neeraj Kumar Bablu on Friday said a contract worth Rs 4,000 crore that was awarded during the erstwhile RJD-led Mahagathbandhan government, has been cancelled due to alleged irregularities.
The minister said that a fresh tender will be floated by the department. The tendering process will be completed within a month and work will be started from August, he said.
"A tender worth Rs 4000 crore that was awarded by the previous government has been cancelled. We received a complaint about the tender and got it investigated after which, it was cancelled," he said.
The PHE minister further said, "The issue of irregularities in the tender is a different thing. We do not want to discuss much about what happened during the tenure of the previous government. We are cancelling the tender and floating a new one to ensure smooth supply of drinking water to every household under the Chief Minister's ambitious scheme of Nal Jal Yojana. When we got the old tender investigated, we found that many villages and mohallas got excluded from the scheme. Now, we will connect those villages and mohallas and the department will work on ensuring that not a single house is left out."