Purnia (Bihar): In a heart-wrenching incident, a newborn, who was buried alive by her mother, was rescued by locals at a graveyard under the Kaptan bridge near the Sadar Police Station area on Saturday. Immediately, the newborn has been admitted to the Government Medical College & Hospital (GMCH) in critical condition.
According to sources, the newborn started crying after the dogs dug it out of the ground and started scratching it. Hearing its wails, the locals present there immediately chased the stray dogs and admitted it to the GMCH. Taking into consideration the serious condition of the newborn, the GMHC doctors referred it to a higher centre later.
It is yet to be ascertained why the mother buried her child. People started commenting on the intentions of the mother as it is a rare sight for a child to be abandoned by its mother in such a terrible condition. Several other incidents of newborns being abandoned or buried alive came to light recently. Such cases have been on a steady rise lately and have caught the attention of citizens across the country. On May 5, a newborn girl was found abandoned on a roadside and was partly buried under a pile of sand in Telangana's Damera mandal.
According to sources, some local women, who were working on the extension of the National Highway, noticed the baby's legs underneath the sand and informed the police.