Rohtas: Pratima Devi, mother of 'Power Star' and Bhojpuri actor Pawan Singh, withdrew her name on Friday from Karakat Lok Sabha seat from where she had filed her nomination as an independent candidate in the Lok Sabha Election 2024. Sources said that a close aid of Singh had indicated that his mother would be withdrawing her name. With this decision, it has became clear that Pawan Singh would remain in the electoral fray from the Karakat seat.
This is the same seat from where her son has already filed his nomination as an independent candidate. As per sources, Pratima Devi filed the nomination because there were chances of Pawan withdrawing from the contest to save himself from any disciplinary action that the BJP could take against him for contesting against NDA candidate Upendra Kushwaha from the seat.
Pawan Singh is tight-lipped on this issue and has refused to comment on anything in this matter in front of the camera. Pratima Devi had filed her nomination form in the Collectorate of Sasaram on May 14. Earlier, it was being said that it would be a mother versus son if neither of them withdraws their nomination before the seat goes to the polls on June 1.
Pawan Singh has been campaigning extensively in the region since his nomination. Huge crowds have been gathering at his meetings to get a glimpse of the actor-turned politician. Admirers and fans have also been waiting for hours to click a selfie with him.
A fierce competition is underway in the Karakat seat between NDA's Kushwaha, INDI Alliance candidate Rajaram Kushwaha and Pawan Singh. The question remains as to who will dominate the vote bank and emerge victorious on June 4.
Pawan Singh was nominated as the BJP candidate from West Bengal's Asansol. After receiving backlash for his misogynistic songs, he said that he would not contest from Asansol. Instead, he would contest from Karakat in Bihar, his home state. "I express my heartfelt gratitude to the top leadership of the Bharatiya Janata Party. The party trusted me and declared me the candidate from Asansol but due to certain reasons, I will not be able to contest the election from Asansol," Pawan Singh had posted online.
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