Bengaluru: A 42-year-old person was charred to death after his car caught fire on Saturday afternoon in Muddinapalya of Byadarahalli in the city. After probing the matter, police concluded it was a case of death by suicide. The deceased, Pradeep, is a resident of the second level of Nagarabhavi, Bengaluru.
Pradeep, a hotelier, was driving a car which halted near Muddinapalya colony around 2:45 pm on Saturday. He sat inside the vehicle for a while after the car suddenly went up in flames. Spotting smoke, the locals rushed to the vehicle only to discover a person trapped inside. The fire department was immediately alerted which sent a batch of firefighters to douse the fire after which the charred body of Praddep was taken out. A voluntary case was registered followed by the initiation of an investigation.
It is said that Pradeep was upset with a huge unpaid debt and unable to cope with the stress took this drastic step. It is learned that he poured petrol on himself while sitting inside the car and set himself ablaze.