Malda(West Bengal): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday slammed the TMC over the cancellation of around 26,000 jobs following a high court, stating that the youths of West Bengal have suffered due to the "cut-and-commission" culture of the party, which is now "synonymous with scams".
Addressing an election rally in Malda, the PM highlighted that the youths, who had taken loans to pay bribes to TMC leaders, are burdened by this situation. "The TMC indulges in scams for which the people of the state have to suffer. The party has been playing with the future of the youths of Bengal," he said.
"The teacher recruitment scam snatched the livelihood of around 26,000 families," he said. Earlier this week, the Calcutta High Court declared the recruitment process of the State Level Selection Test-2016 (SLST) in West Bengal government-sponsored and aided schools as "null and void," ordering the cancellation of all appointments made through it.