Aurangabad: In a horrific case of drunk driving in Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar in Maharashtra on Saturday, September 14, four members of a family, including a six-month-old baby, lost their lives. Police said that the vehicle in which the family was travelling to Pune to attend a religious ceremony was hit hard by a Scorpio of an inebriated young man.
The accident took place near the toll booth in the Limbejalgaon area on Nagar Road. Mrinalini Ajay Besarkar (38), Ashalata Popalghote (65), Durga Sagar Gite (7) and a six-month-old baby from Amravati were killed while Ajay Ambadas Besarkar and Shubhangini Sagar Gile (36) were severely injured in this accident.
A case of culpable homicide has been registered against Vishal alias Uddhav Dnyaneshwar Chavan (22) and Krishna Karbhari Kere (22) for drunk driving.
Preliminary investigation revealed that Ajay, an engineer by profession, worked remotely from Amaravati for a Pune-based company. Due to his hybrid model of work, he and his wife Mrinali Desarkar had been residing in Pune for the past few years and travelled on and off between Amaravati and Pune.